At last : a sighting of Cardabelle !

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Cardabelle (BG 719), first female released in the Grands Causses in 2012, had returned to the Pyrenees one year after her release, in the spring of 2013.

She was sighted for the last time on June 19, 2014 in one of the Spanish feeding grounds (in Aragona on the southside of the mountain range). We had had no news of her since then.

Cardabelle was very recently sighted again, at the end of April 2016, still in the vicinity of the Spanish feeding grounds.

She was identified thanks to her bands (red on the right leg – silver and green on the left -see photo). This 5 year-old bird now dons subadult plumage and her wing markings are no longer visble.

The LPO GC team is thrilled with the news and hopes she will one day return to the Massif Central.

LPO would like to express its thanks to the government of Aragona for sharing the information on Cardabelle.

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