Vulture Conservation Foundation


Vulture Conservation Foundation


The Vulture Conservation Foundation (VCF) is a European Foundation that works on the conservation of vultures in Eurasia. As a major stakeholder in European Bearded Vulture reintroduction projects, and in view of its involvement in several European-wide conservation initiatives in favor of 3 other species, VCF has acquired vast experience in the captive breeding of vultures for reintroduction purposes. This explains why, within the context of the LIFE GYPCONNECT project, VCF is in charge of the captive breeding of Bearded Vultures to be released in the Grands Causses, Baronnies and Vercors, as well as of the scientific monitoring of the birds, via marker beacons in particular, and also brings its support to release operations.

VCF is also involved in eradicating or minimizing the main root causes of mortality among birds such as illegal poisoning, lack of food resources and collisions or electrocutions due to power lines.

Vultures are a carrion-eating species and therefore genuine natural renderers. They are therefore considered as a “key species” in European mountain ranges. And with just reason: they eliminate the risks of infectious disease transmission, by acting as carcass recyclers. They are of significant socio-economic value for local communities where they generate savings by avoiding the incineration of carcasses and bytheir appeal for tourists.

VCF’s main objective is vulture conservation and plays a crucial role in the preservation of European mountain ecosystems.

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