The Vautours-en-Baronnies Association


The Vautours-en-Baronnies Association


Recognized as an association of general interest, Vautours en Baronnies works with different local partners: naturalists, breeders, politicians, veterinarians, hunters… and collaborates closely with the agglomeration of communes in Pays du Rémuzat and the Parc Naturel Régional des Baronnies. Its objective is to guarantee the development of viable Vulture populations in the Baronnies mountain range in the Drôme region. To this end, it conducts and leads:

  • Since 1993, a Griffon Vulture reintroduction and monitoring program. The Baronnies mountain range today shelters one of the Alps’ largest colonies of Griffon Vultures.
  • Since 2004, a Black Vulture reintroduction and monitoring program. This reintroduction program is currently in progress and is expected to end in 2016.
  • Monitoring the reproduction of Egyptian Vulture populations. After 20 years of absence, this species returned to the area spontaneously in 2000.
  • Monitoring of the Bearded Vultures present in the Baronnies mountain range since 2010.

The association owns a 5ha property where it releases the Vultures (reintroduction aviary, observatory, rendering site).

Vautours en Baronnies is also active in sharing information and educating the general public and schoolchildren and manages the « Maison des Vautours » (reception and information facility for approximately 15 000 visitors yearly). Furthermore, the association fulfills a public service role by providing natural rendering services to breeders.

As a major contributor to the reintroduction of vultures in the Drôme, Vautours en Baronnies is in charge of the « Alps » site within the framework of LIFE GYPCONNECT and thereby in charge of implementing the project’s action plan locally and more specifically in the Baronnies mountain range.

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