Parc National des Cévennes


Parc National des Cévennes


The Parc National des Cévennes is located in the Massif Central and since its creation, has contributed to preserving the natural environment and biodiversity via several reintroduction projects of such species as the Griffon Vulture, Black Vulture, Capercaillie, deer, beaver and otter. To protect the Park’s specific features, PNC prepares awareness-raising campaigns for its visitors and is dedicated to enhancing this natural setting and to fostering environmentally friendly human activities (agriculture, forestry, tourism).

Since 2012, the park contributes to Bearded Vulture reintroduction operations in the Grands Causses. The PNC team has acquired extensive experience that it shares with its partners while actively participating in the promotion of the species on its territory. This is why the Parc National des Cévennes is in charge of the « Massif-Central » site and of the local implementation of the LIFE GYPCONNECT action plan and more specifically within the Park.

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