Centre National d’Informations Toxicologiques Vétérinaires


Centre National d’Informations Toxicologiques Vétérinaires


Le Centre National d’Informations Toxicologiques Vétérinaires (CNITV- National Information Center in Veterinarian Toxicology) is an association under the law of 1901, specialized in animal poison control since 1976.

Nationally recognized for its expertise, the Center is often consulted in cases of intoxication or contamination of domestic or wild animals and in cases of environmental pollution from toxic products (pollutants, phytosanitary products, medication…). It intervenes in day-to-day issues or in long-term surveillance cases in partnership with such organizations as LPO, ONCFS, ADEME, national and regional parks…

Involved for many years in protecting and strengthening raptor populations, the CNITV was already a beneficiary of two prior LIFE projects, one focused on the Egyptian Vulture and the other, on the Lesser Kestrel (N° LIFE05NAT/F/000134 and N°LIFE03NAT/F/000103).

The CNITV is also present in different steering committees and contributes to National Plans (Griffon Vulture, Red Kite, Egyptian Vulture, Bonelli’s Eagle…) and is a partner in the « Plan vigilance poison » (Poison Vigilance Plan) that is deployed at national plan. As regards these species, the CNITV conducts autopsies, interprets toxicological screening data and suggests ways of limiting the impact of toxic threats on species conservation. To this end, the CNITV has formed partnerships with laboratories (Ecoloxie, LDA 26,…) to share skills via interlaboratory comparisons and collaborative method validation studies. These structures cooperate closely on scientific projects (including the LIFE projects conducted jointly with the CNITV), and use approved techniques in substance research, such as lead, pesticides and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (AINS)…

Its presence on the Vetagro Sup Veterinary Campus enables the CNITV to participate in the training and management of veterinary students, particularly via the drafting of doctoral veterinary theses that may be published in scientific journals. Veterinary students have prepared their thesis within the framework of LIFE projects.

In the LIFE GYPCONNECT context, the CNITV acts in its capacity as expert in the understanding, management and prevention of toxic risks.

For more information: : http://www.vetagro-sup.fr/centre-anti-poison-cnitv/