

Les Baronnies Provençales are located between the Drôme and the Hautes-Alpes regions. The Vautours en Baronnies association is in charge of implementing the action plan designed specifically for this region, within the framework of LIFE GPCONNECT.

Vautours en Baronnies is involved in the 26 operations of this program, described hereunder:

Actions in favor of Bearded Vulture reintroduction

  • Approval of the site selected by the Vulture Conservation Foundation (VCF),
  • Formalities required to obtain release permits for the species (agreements with the Villeperdrix community, National Council for the Protection of Nature),
  • Preparing the release site,
  • Settling the birds on the release site, pre- and post-flight monitoring.

These reintroduction operations will take place in the Baronnies every 2 years: 2016, 2018 and 2020.

Actions to improve access to food resources

  • Prospecting areas suitable for the installation of feeding sites,
  • Discussions with the owners of the area involved,
  • Discussions with the administration to obtain permits,
  • Establishing, supplying and monitoring the feeding sites.

Actions for scientific monitoring

  • Monitoring released birds,
  • Targeted campaigns,
  • Finding resting and stationing sites for the birds,
  • Surveys on public perception.

Awareness-raising Actions

  • Pedagogical programs in local schools,
  • Raising public awareness (hunters, breeders, outdoor sports, tourists),
  • Information bulletin publications,
  • Website updates.

Actions to reduce threats facing the Bearded Vulture and Vultures in general

  • Undergrounding power lines dangerous for the Vultures,
  • Testing and promoting lead-free ammunition,
  • Surveillance of natural areas to prevent or control all risks from human activities.

Actions associated with the program’s administrative management

Vautours en Baronnies is in charge of monitoring and managing local actions to fulfill its obligations in this area.

More information

Consultez le site de Vautours en Baronnies