

The Parc naturel régional du Vercors covers a vast 206 000 ha mountain range and its 85 communes located between Isère and Drôme. The area shelters an exceptional wealth of fauna and flora biodiversity, as well as a rich history and culture. The joint park planning association of the Parc du Vercors focuses on enhancing and revitalizing the mountain range, via in-depth projects on energy, mobility, urban planning, water resource management and agriculture. Their Charter’s strategic priorities also include sustainable development, cultural projects and strong social ties.

Between nature and culture, the joint park planning association of the Parc du Vercors (PNRV) is the historical manager of the National Nature Reserve of the Hauts Plateaux du Vercors (High Mesas), a 17 000 ha natural setting that is the largest reserve in France. The Association is also in charge of the Resistance Memorial, now a national museum that showcases this very important period for the Massif Central and France. This natural and historical setting is open to all visitors who can enjoy treks, via a network of over 3 000 km of hiking trails managed by the PNRV.

While the PNRV is rich in biodiversity, the large fauna that inhabited its rocky areas had almost completely disappeared over time, due to human activities.

To restore its biodiversity, the PNRV joint association conducted several reintroduction programs.

The Alpine Ibex

The PNRV joint association designed and implemented two reintroduction programs: in 1989 and 1990, in the south of the Massif du Vercors (Diois – Drôme) and in 2000 and 2002, in the west (Royans Isère).

Since then, two core populations have formed and today, the Ibex population is estimated at over 500 individuals.

The Griffon vulture

The aim of this project, launched in 1996, was to release over 70 birds.

SInce 2007, a population of breeding pairs is growing in the Archiane river area. Within the framework of this reintroduction program, Griffon and Egyptian vultures returned spontaneously to the area, where currently only the Egyptian vulture is breeding in the PNRV.

The Bearded Vulture

From 2010 to 2014, the PNRV joint association implemented its first reintroduction program and 9 juveniles were released. Since these first releases, Bearded Vultures have been sighted in the mountain range and it is certain that the program will enable the stationing of breeding pairs there.

More information

Visit the Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors website