The project coordinator

The project coordinator

LPO France, considered as the leading nature conservation association in France, is the project coordinator who ensures the implementation of the actions in the Massif-Central.

Founded in 1912, LPO France has enabled the adoption of the raptor conservation legislation in 1972. With over 42 000 members, it works daily on species and space conservation, education and on awareness raising on environmental issues.

As the official French partner of BirdLife International since 1995, it has largely contributed to the recognition in Europe of carrion-eating birds of prey, and mainly as regards the positive changes in the regulatory framework on natural rendering sites since 2003.

It is furthermore the spearhead of the first raptor reintroduction programs in France and collaborates with all stakeholders involved in restoring Vulture populations. After participating in the reintroduction of the griffon and black vulture in the Causses and Cévennes, it has, since 2012, been working on the return of the Bearded Vulture in the same region, via its Grands-Causses branch. It also contributes to current reintroduction operations of the black vulture and Bearded Vulture in the Pre-Alps.

It coordinates the French networks working on carrion-eating raptors and contributes actively to international networks. It ensures the technical coordination of national action plans underway in France, in particular for the Egyptian vulture, black vulture, Bearded Vulture and Red Kite, … It has proposed and coordinated many LIFE programs in France. Furthermore, it has designed and coordinated trans-border cooperation projects (Interreg, Feder, Feader), as enabled by its status and objectives.

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